一位蜚声国际的小提琴演奏家,在 2010 最富盛名的瑞士维尔比耶音乐节上,高参与大提琴大师麦斯基,中提琴大师巴什梅特共同演奏了理查·施特劳斯的《堂吉诃德》交响序曲,由指挥大师夏尔·迪图瓦执棒,这场由古典音乐传媒巨头 向全欧洲现场直播的音乐会,让世界音乐界开始认识到这位来自中国、并越来越活跃在国际主流音乐舞台上的小提琴演奏家。2015 年3 月,他应邀在博鳌亚洲论坛闭幕式上为国家领导人和 17 国元首、以及上千名中外政商领袖嘉宾演出。

2014 年,高参被任命为维尔比耶音乐节Verbier Festival (VFO)大使,成为这一顶级音乐节唯一的中国籍官方大使。同年他被中国音乐家协会小提琴学会增补为理事。作为当代中国青年音乐家的杰出代表,2015 年初,他获选中国邮政“印象中国”系列,国家邮政为他出版了一套“中国文化名家”个人集邮套及明信片;中国录音艺术与唱片学会(CRA)已经发行了他的6 张唱片,其中《高参小提琴独奏专辑》、《贝多芬、勃拉姆斯小提琴协奏曲》、《九首小提琴钢琴奏鸣曲》都在当年的发烧唱片及唱片大奖上榜上有名。

高参的老师包括中国已故小提琴教育泰斗林耀基教授,美国著名小提琴家、辛辛那提大学音乐学院弦乐系主任、美国斯塔林基金会主席科尔特·萨斯曼斯豪斯教授,以及当代最负盛名的小提琴大师、教育家扎克哈尔·布朗教授。他获得的奖项包括美国艾玛·霍格国际青年艺术家大赛小提琴最高奖、意大利第十五届那不勒斯国际小提琴大赛银奖、2007 新西兰麦克·西尔国际小提琴比赛特别认可奖,以及中国第八届全国小提琴比赛“文华奖”金奖;2009 年,他成为文化部外联局“东方新快车”对外特别推荐青年艺术家。

高参每年在全球展开超过 50 场的独奏音乐会,他的大气和高雅的艺术风格时常给听过他音乐会的观众留下难以磨灭的记忆。著名乐评人 Rosalinda L. Orosa女士在Philstar网站撰文称:“在最近的记忆中,我不记得任何其他的小提琴家,可以与这位中国小提琴家高超精湛且具征服性的技艺所匹配…他精力充沛,气势雄浑的演出,营造出闪闪发光,波光粼粼的音响,他演奏的绚丽片段更是充满无与伦比的强度、激情和火花,他似乎本身就是燃烧着的热情。”

近年来,高参已经与德国柏林交响乐团、美国休斯敦交响乐团、意大利圣·卡洛大歌剧院交响乐团、德国罗斯托克爱乐乐团、中国国家交响乐团、中国国家交响乐团、中央歌剧院交响乐团、北京交响乐团、广州交响乐团等国际国内众多一线乐团合作演出;同时,他已经在当今几乎所有一流的音乐节演出,包括德国波恩贝多芬音乐节、奥地利萨尔斯堡音乐节、韩国铜咏国际音乐节、奥地利阿特劳国际音乐节、西班牙 GETXO 音乐节、澳门国际音乐节等。不仅如此,他还在纽约林肯中心艾弗·费舍大厅、柏林歌剧院音乐厅、萨尔斯堡莫扎特音乐大厅、洛杉矶迪斯尼音乐厅、瑞典皇家音乐厅、法国里昂歌剧院、芝加哥交响乐中心大厅、瑞士琉森 KKL音乐厅、名古屋市政大厅、香港文化中心、意大利博洛尼亚音乐节大厅、瑞士伯尔尼音乐厅、英国肖伯纳大厅等众多世界级音乐殿堂留下了自己的琴音和身影;在中国,他与几乎所有主流的交响乐团及重要指挥家合作演出,得到了郑小瑛、黄晓彤、张国勇、余隆、胡咏言和邵恩等泰斗级指挥的高度肯定。

2017 年5 月,高参首次登台柏林爱乐大厅以及汉堡音乐厅,成功举办了小提琴独奏音乐会,并由德累斯顿音乐学院院长Florian Uhlig担任钢琴伴奏,成为继郎朗之后在这两所顶级音乐殿堂演出专场音乐会的最有代表性的中国青年独奏家;仅两个月之后,他应邀携保利室内乐团再赴德国科隆,在宏伟的科隆大教堂演奏了完整的巴赫第二无伴奏组曲,成为历史上第一位在科隆大教堂演奏的中国独奏家。

展者。他曾是中央音乐学院大学部最年轻的副教授,并在 2007-2012 年担任美国辛辛那提大学音乐学院客席教授(Exchange Faculty),是该院有史以来最年轻的中国籍客座教员,并创下了过去十年来唯一一位中国小提琴家同时在中美两国顶级音乐学府任教的纪录;在频繁演出的同时,他的讲学也从未间断:他在国家大剧院、美国北科罗拉多大学音乐学院、意大利米兰国立大学、香港中文大学、香港教育学院、澳门大学、广州星海音乐学院、美国森特维利艺术中心、台北市立大学等高等教育机构相继举办公开课、workshop 以及专题讲座;他是国家大剧院的“常客”,从成立至今,高参已经在那里举办过不下 70 场音乐会和讲座。

高参目前所使用的小提琴是由美国芝加哥本·富仕琴行——“斯特拉迪瓦里名琴协会”(Bein&Fushi-Stradivary Society) 特别赞助的 1617 年阿玛蒂小提琴(1617 "Lobkowicz"Amati)。这把珍贵的小提琴由于其背板完整保留了欧洲罗伯克维兹亲王家族的原始火漆而闻名,在近四百年间被琴界称为“梦幻之琴”。斯特拉迪瓦里协会仅将珍贵的名琴授予全球少量的杰出演奏家们使用,包括年轻时的马友友、帕尔曼、穆特、沙汉姆和文格罗夫等最杰出演奏家,以表彰他们为国际古典音乐事业所作的贡献。高参是 2011 斯特拉迪瓦里协会唯一的授予者,并以“斯特拉迪瓦里协会环球艺术家”身份这一荣誉,在全球展开巡演及各类音乐会。

Gao Can Violinist

Widely recognized as one of the most talented violinists of his generation, Mr. Gao Can enjoys an international career, appearing with major orchestras and at prestigious venues and festivals throughout the world. In March 2015, Mr. Gao was invited to the closing ceremony at the BoaoForum for Asia (BFA) to perform in front of 17 national leaders and thousands of political and business leaders from all over the world. On that occasion, he played with the 1727 Stradivarius violin ex-General Dupont, the first Stradivarius violin collected by Mainland Chinese entrepreneur and the only violin to be broadcasted in space by the NASA.

In 2014, Mr. Gao was appointed the ambassador of the renowned Verbier Festival and has become the only official ambassador of Chinese nationality. In the same year he was elected the new committee member of the Violin Society of the Chinese Musicians Association. China Recording Arts Association (CRA) has recently released his latest album “Collection of Live Recordings of Gao Can” in recognition of his accomplishment.

He has collaborated with such masters as cellist Mischa Maisky, violist Yuri Bashmet, and conductor Charles Dutoit, to name a few. Mr. Gao holds over 35 violin concerts annually, touring around five continents and gaining international acclaim from both audience and critics. Orchestral appearances include the Houston Symphony Orchestra, Teatro di San Carlo Orchestra, Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, and China National Symphony Orchestra. He has also performed at notable music festivals such as the Verbier Music Festival, where he served as the concertmaster of the world-class Verbier Festival Orchestra, as well as Germany’s Beethoven Festival, the Salzburg Festival, Attersee Festival, Korea Tongyeong International Festival, Spain’s Festival International de Jazz de Getxo, and Macao International Music Festival. His concert engagements include solo, chamber and concertmaster performing at such prestigious venues as New York’s Lincoln Center, the Berlin Opera House, Sweden’s Royal Concert Hall, Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, the Lyon Opera House, Chicago’s Symphony Centre, Lucerne KKL, Hong Kong Cultural Center, TeatroComunalediBologna, and so on.

Mr. Gao has won numerous prizes and awards including the top violin prize of the Ima Hogg Young Artist Competition, the silver medal in the 15th "Alberto Curci" Violin International Competition in Naples, Italy, the Special Recognition Award of the Michael Hill International Violin Competition in New Zealand, and the gold medal in National Violin Competition of China. Since 2009, he has served as the “Oriental Express” Artist by the Chinese Cultural Ministry.

When he’s not performing, Mr. Gao dedicates his time to mentoring the next generation of violinists through teaching, lecturing and giving masterclasses. He was the youngest-ever Associate Professor at Beijing’s Central Conservatory of Music; from 2007 to 2012, he was also the youngest professor granted foreign-guest teaching status on Cincinnati University’s music faculty. This made him the decade’s only violinist who divided his time between prestigious institutions both in China and the United States. He has held lectures, seminars and workshops at the University of Northern Colorado, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Education, and the University of Macau.

Mr. Gao plays the 1617 "Lobkowicz" Amati violin sponsored by the Bein&Fushi-Stradivari Society in Chicago.
