


  作为本地唯一进行长期训练的青少年交响乐团,每年的「周年音乐会」和「澳门乐坛新一代」大型音乐会,让乐手有机会学习交响乐作品,从创会(1997)首演的舒伯特《“未完成”交响曲》,到今年(2006) 8月29日举行的「林乐培八十大寿暨澳门青年交响乐团九周年会庆音乐会」,在一批又一批团员成长过程中留下了难忘而宝贵的经历;历届「澳门乐坛新一代」音乐会更是把多位出色的本地新秀送上大舞台,以此造就人才。

  除名誉音乐总监查伟革和本地导师外,曾与乐团合作演出的海外音乐家包括俞峰、梁建枫、叶树涵、冯启文、马骏一、李少霖、姚桑琳、秦庆生、蔡国田、王家阳、邵恩、蔡浩文、曾叶发、龙向荣、梁以信、The Lee Trio,Jeremy Carter,Edward Tarr和Matthew Krel等;而本地方面则有代表澳门赢得国际比赛的廖国敏、廖国玮兄弟,以及林盈盈、汪加、洪思敏、孙颖麟、马步萌等;其它本地团体包括嘤鸣合唱团、培正中学合唱团、澳门乐团、香港演艺学院青少年室乐团、原澳门室乐团成员、澳门大学学生合唱团等;与外地展开交流活动方面,曾先后与台湾乐艺管弦乐团、台湾新店高中管弦乐团、香港MYO、澳洲SBS青年乐团等联合演出;又应邀赴沪参加「帕尔曼在上海」活动,跟国际顶级大师亲密接触,同台演出;曾在1997年应邀赴广东珠海市举行专场音乐会、2004年12月应邀访港成为踏足香港文化中心大舞台的首支澳门乐队、2006年7月首席团员前往日本东京与日立企业属下日立交响乐团进行交流、8月作为首支港澳地区乐队应邀参与第28届“哈尔滨之夏”音乐会在哈尔滨音乐厅举行专场音乐会;今年12月底也将前往广州访问演出、2007年8月则进行「澳洲之旅」。透过年青一代的音乐才华让外地更认识澳门,与外地青少年建立友谊,提升自我。

Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra

Since her foundation, Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra (MYSO) aims firmly to provide orchestra training and performing opportunities for local youngsters, to exchange their experiences, cultivate and promote their interests, as well as the standard in music appreciation and performing.

Found in 1997, MYSO has contributed almost her hundred performances. The orchestra is composed of young players from universities/colleges, high schools, and primary schools and at work. They spend their leisure time on attending weekly orchestra training. Overseas consultants and well-known musicians are invited to make master classes to the young players. Their performing skills are enhanced and their knowledge is broadened. Music brings up good temperament, personality and cooperative spirit. Through interchange of their experiences, friendship develops among members of the orchestra.

As the first local youth orchestra, MYSO organizes symphonic concerts annually such as the MYSO Anniversary Concert and the Macao New Generation. From Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony in her premiere (1997) to the Doming Lam at 80 a Birthday Concert and 9th Anniversary of MYSO on August 29 this year (2006), the opportunities are offered to players learning symphonic music and improving on each occasion. This is very valuable for these youngsters.

Besides the honorary Music Director Veiga Jardim and local instructors, the orchestra has performed with overseas famous musicians such as Yu Feng, Leung Kin Fung, Ye Suh-Han, Fung Kai Man, Jun Yi Ma, Homer Lee, Song-Lam Yiu, Hing-Sang Chin, Choy Kwok-Tin, Wang Jia-Yang, En Shao, Choi Ho-Man, Richard Tsang, Lung Hueng-Wing, Jackson Leung, The Lee Trio, Jeremy Carter, Edward Tarr, Matthew Krel, and the local musicians including Lio Kuok Man and Lio Kuok Wai (who won serveral international competitions as Macao delegates), and Lam Ieng-Ieng, Wong Ka, Hong Si-Man, Timothy Sun, Ma Pou-Mang. Other local groups which have played with MYSO are Coro Perosi, Pui Ching Middle School Choir, Macao Orchestra, HKAPA Junior Chamber Orchestra, former Orquestra de Câmara de Macau members, Macao University Student Choir. Joint concerts with overseas youth orchestras were also held such as Taiwan Fineart Orchestra, Taiwan Shindian High School Orchestra, HK MYO, Australia SBS Youth Orchestra, etc. Under the invitation, MYSO has participated in the activity of Perlman in Shanghai, Television Concert of Itzhak Perlman and Thousand Violin Children and held her concert in Zhuhai in 1997. Visiting Hong Kong on December 2004, the orchestra was the first Macao orchestra to be invited to perform in the HK Cultural Centre. The principal members visited Tokyo, Japan and jointed with the members of Hitachi Symphony Orchestra to play some chamber music on July 2006. As the first orchestra from HK-Macao areas, MYSO was invited to participate in China 28th Harbin Summer Music Concert on August 2006. The orchestra will visit and perform in Guangzhou in the end of this year and, follow by Australia Tour on August 2007. Through the music talent of new generation, it gives the foreigners a better understanding of Macao, helping to build up friendship with youngsters aboard, and upgrading personal qualities.
